Monday, November 27, 2017

November 27 - Hammond's Flycatcher - Central Park

Over the Thanksgiving weekend an Empidonax flycatcher was discovered in the Ramble in Central Park. First tentatively identified as a "Western" Flycatcher (a Pacific-slope/Cordilleran Flycatcher), it was later identified as a Hammond's Flycatcher, a third New York State record. Back on October 27, 2001, I was lucky enough to see New York's first Hammond's Flycatcher - before it was eaten by a passing Merlin. I was out of the city over the holiday weekend, so I wasn't able to chase this bird until this morning. Luckily, it was still present this morning and being reasonably cooperative, though occasionally elusive.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

November 9 - Corn Crake: R.I.P.

Unfortunately, the Corn Crake out at Cedar Beach was picked up dead this morning, apparently struck by a car. The corpse was brought to the Museum where it will be prepared as a specimen and placed in the scientific collection.

November 8 - Corn Crake!

I have had a busy fall and need to catch up on my blog, however, I cannot let seeing a bird as spectacular as a Corn Crake on Long Island go by without a mention. The bird was found near Cedar Beach on the Jones Beach barrier strip in Suffolk County, NY yesterday. Today Ann and I were among the many birders who dashed out to see such a spectacular rarity. The bird did not disappoint!
My last life bird on land (as opposed to pelagic species offshore) in New York State was a Western Reef Heron in Brooklyn ten years ago.

Corn Crake 11/08/2017

Afterwards, we went over to Heckscher State Park and saw two of the Hudsonian Godwits and the Long-billed Dowitcher that have been there.

Hudsonian Godwit 11/08/2017