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Hooded Merganser - January 23, 2025 ©️ Joseph DiCostanzo |
Inwood Birder
Birding and natural history in the New York City region - primarily.
Thursday, January 23, 2025
January 23, 2025: Day 4 of the freeze - Warmer, but still below freezing.
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
January 22, 2025: Frost heaves and Buffleheads in Muscota Marsh.
No, frost heaves are not what you get when you eat bad frost. (Sorry. I couldn’t resist.) Frost heave is the phenomenon you get in areas of water saturated ground and extreme cold temperatures. The last few days of very cold temperatures here in Inwood Hill Park have been perfect for causing frost heaves in the mud of the Muscota mudflats. Frost heave occurs when the water in the ground (in this case the mud of the Muscota flats) freezes, Water expands when it freezes into ice crystals. This causes the ground (or mud) to also expand and “heave” upward. Below are some photos of frost heaves this morning at Muscota. The temperature was 10 F at sun-up.
Monday, January 20, 2025
January 20, 2025: First day of the freeze.
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Mute Swans - January 20, 2025 ©️ Joseph DiCostanzo |
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Gadwall - January 29, 2025. ©️ Joseph DiCostanzo |
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Common Merganser - January 20, 2025 ©️ Joseph DiCostanzo |
Sunday, January 19, 2025
January 19, 2025: Deep Freeze next several days.
Back on January 5 I wrote that with the cold weather predicted in the week after that Inwood birders should keep their eyes open for uncommon waterfowl pushed into the area by the predicted cold weather freezing interior waterways. The cold was not quite as cold as initially predicted, but in the last two weeks the park has had Mute Swans, Hooded and Red-breasted mergansers and Common Loon. Tonight the predicted low is 18 F and it may drop into the single digits for the next three nights. Up the Hudson River some areas are expecting temperatures perhaps below zero F. Once again, I say watch for unusual waterfowl pushed into our local area. However, most of you don’t have the luxury that I have of a window overlooking Muscota Marsh, so PLEASE remember temperatures like those predicted are dangerous! I will do my best to keep watch and report anything unusual, but it is likely anything pushed south from the interior would take some time to get here any way so after the temperatures start going up again later in the week might be the best time to look for birds.
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Red-breasted Merganser.- January 12, 2025 ©️ Joseph DiCostanzo |
ADDITIONAL NOTE: I posted last week about going upstate to see the Taiga Bean Goose in Greenwich, NY. Yesterday, a Tundra Bean Goose was found in Portsmouth, RI. I don’t expect anything of that level of rarity showing up, but we can always hope!
Monday, January 13, 2025
January 13, 2025: Taiga Bean Goose - A New York State Bird AND a Life Bird. [EDITED: 1/14/2025]
In a recent post going over some of the highlights of my 2024 New York State birding I mentioned that in recent years I hope to pick up at least one new bird for my New York State bird list each year. Last year I was lucky enough to see two - Lazuli Bunting and American Flamingo. The flamingo was also a life bird which is a very rare occurrence for me in New York. Today I picked up another new bird for my state list that was also a life bird - Taiga Bean Goose.
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Taiga Bean Goose - January 13, 2025 ©️ Joseph DiCostanzo |
The Taiga Bean Goose is an incredible rarity for New York. Not only is it a first record for the state, it is a first record for the eastern United States. The bird was first reported from Saratoga Lake about ten days ago. It disappeared from there and was then refound in some farm fields near Greenwich, Washington County. Over the last few days it was found in a number of farm fields with flocks of Canada Geese, but it was hard to perceive a set pattern to its wanderings. My friend, Sean Sime, and I discussed trying for it (a 3.5 hour drive from Inwood). Last night we decided it was still a bit too iffy in its appearances and so we decided not to go. I was starting to make breakfast a little before 8:00 this morning when Sean called and said: “Get ready. I am picking you up in an hour. The bird has been found in the same field it was seen in yesterday.” When we arrived around 12:30 pm there were about half a dozen cars on the side of the road by the farm field and birders were watching the bird. It was asleep in a large flock of Canada Geese. We were able to watch it for over an hour during which time it woke up and did some feeding on the corn stubble. We heard it was still in the same field at sunset.
Sunday, January 5, 2025
January 5, 2025: Cold weather coming - Keep your eyes open!
Saturday, January 4, 2025
New York State 2024: Some Highlights
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Loggerhead Shrike - February 14, 2024. ©️ Joseph DiCostanzo |
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Swainson’s Warbler - April 20, 2024 ©️Joseph DiCostanzo |
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Lazuli Bunting - April 21, 2024. ©️Joseph DiCostanzo |
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American Flamingo - June 1, 2024. ©️ Joseph DiCostanzo |
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Black-bellied Whistling-Duck - June 26, 2024. ©️ Joseph DiCostanzo |
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Sage Thrasher - December 8, 2024. ©️ Joseph DiCostanzo |
Sunday, December 29, 2024
LeConte Who? (Or Which LeConte?)
People who know me know that I think the recent move to change the names of all the birds that are named for people is a silly (to be kind) idea. I am not going to rehash all those arguments now, but LeConte’s Sparrow is an example of the interesting history that gets lost under this initiative. There are many books that give the stories and biographies behind bird (and other animal and plant) names. I have a shelf full of them! The standard reference for American and Canadian bird names is Audubon to Xantus: The Lives of Those Commemorated in North American Bird Names by Barbara and Richard Mearns, published in 1992. Much of the material in this post is drawn from that excellent source.
The first scientific description of the bird now called LeConte’s Sparrow was written by J. J. Audubon in 1844 based on a specimen collected by J. G. Bell on May 24, 1843 on Audubon’s expedition up the Missouri River. (Yes, this is the person Bell’s Vireo is named for.) In his description, Audubon writes: “I have named this interesting species after my young friend Doctor LE CONTE, son of Major LE CONTE, so well known among naturalists, and who is like his father, much attached to the study of natural history.” Note, Audubon did not use any first names in his dedication. This has apparently given rise to confusion since Audubon’s dedication in the early 19th Century. The problem is that the LeConte family had a lot of members interested in natural history. Louis LeConte was a botanist in Georgia. He had two sons, John LeConte who became a well known physicist and Joseph LeConte who became a well known geologist. Then there was John Eatton LeConte who was active in botany and zoology who lived in New York. This LeConte had a son named John Lawrence LeConte who became probably the top North American entomologist of the 19th Century.
The ornithologist Elliot Coues in his 1872 publication on North American birds decided the bird was named for John Eatton LeConte. In 1972, Edward S. Gruson in his book Words for Birds, said the sparrow was named for John LeConte, the physicist son of Louis LeConte. More recently Bo Beolens and Michael Watkins in their 2003 book Whose Bird? Common Bird Names and the People They Commemorate follow Gruson. Even more recently, Beolens and Watkins, now with Michael Grayson as coauthor of their 2014 book The Eponym Dictionary of Birds still say the sparrow is named for John LeConte, the son of Louis LeConte, but they say Audubon may have been referring to his cousin John Lawrence LeConte. I trust everyone reading this is now fairly confused.
Now let us return to Barbara and Richard Mearns. They point out that John LeConte (son of Louis LeConte) did study in New York in 1838 - 1841 so might have met Audubon, who lived in New York, but his father Louis was not a Major. On the other hand John Eatton LeConte was indeed a Major and his son John Lawrence LeConte was completing medical studies in New York City in the early 1840’s and by 1844 was already well known for his natural history work though he was still only nineteen years old. The Mearns therefore argue that it seems obvious Audubon must have been referring to John Lawrence LeConte when he wrote his description of the sparrow.
In 1850 while traveling in Arizona, John Lawrence LeConte collected a pale thrasher and sent the specimen to the naturalist George N. Lawrence (for whom Lawrence’s Goldfinch is named). In 1851 G. N. Lawrence described it as a new species and it became known as LeConte’s Thrasher.
Thus the resolution of the question of which LeConte that Barbara and Richard Mearns argue for means that LeConte’s Thrasher and LeConte’s Sparrow are named for the same person rather than two different people both named John LeConte!
A final note for anyone who shares my historical and natural history interests. Barbara and Richard Mearns have two other classic books Biographies for Birdwatchers: The Lives of Those Commemorated in Western Palearctic Bird Names published in 1988 that covers European birds and The Bird Collectors published in 1998 which has a worldwide scope.
LATER EDIT: If one accepts the sparrow being named for John LeConte (son of Louis) then the bird is named for someone who served in the Confederacy during the American Civil War which we know the people who want to get rid of bird names that are named for people they consider questionable object to. However, the rather convincing argument made by the Mearns means the LeConte’s Sparrow is named for a surgeon who served very high in the Union Army during the Civil War.
Friday, December 27, 2024
LeConte’s Sparrow - October 8, 2024
I haven’t added to this blog in over two years, but I thought I would try to start up again. I thought the best report to start with is what was this past year’s best bird in Inwood Hill Park. That honor easily goes to the LeConte’s Sparrow found near the fenced in area on the north side of the soccer fields at the northern end of the park. Unsurprisingly, the bird was first thought to be a Saltmarsh Sparrow. (Really, who thinks of LeConte’s in NYC?) Allen and Karina Greene, who first spotted the bird, got the word out and even though it was late in the day a few of us rushed in to see it - after all, Saltmarsh Sparrow is a great bird for Inwood. Though a number of us got to the spot we were not having any luck finding the bird until Allen and Karine returned and Karina again spotted the bird. Though the bird was skulky, cameras clicked away. We all thanked Karina for finding the bird. It was now after sunset and getting dark. When I got home I was still trying to download my pictures from my camera (the battery had died) when I received a message from Allen that Liam Brock was looking at his pictures at home and was suggesting the bird was a LeConte’s Sparrow! When I finally got my pictures downloaded, I checked them and messaged back that Liam was right. It was a LeConte’s! This was only the second time I had seen this species in New York State.
I recently told Allen and Karina they still need to find us a Saltmarsh Sparrow for Inwood.
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LeConte’s Sparrow, October 8, 2024, Inwood Hill Park. ©️ Joseph DiCostanzo |
Thursday, August 11, 2022
The Kings County line at the West Pond of Jamaica Bay.
Periodically there is discussion about the county lines at the West Pond of the Jamaica Bay wildlife refuge. The corner of the pond is in Brooklyn (Kings County). Below is the relevant portion of the refuge map published many years ago by the refuge when it was still under the auspices of the New York City Parks Department. If anyone is wondering about the accuracy of the map I will point out it was drawn by Richard Edes Harrison, one of the foremost cartographers of the 20th Century and a renowned NYC birder.