My plan was to make a quick lunchtime foray into the Central Park Ramble to look for the Great Horned Owl that had been present since last month. But on my way in to the park I received a text from Dale Dancis that she was going to look for an Orange-crowned Warbler that was being seen near the Metropolitan Museum of Art. I called her and told her i would meet her there. I went past the place where the owl had been, but apparently it has not been seen in two days. On my way I ran into a birder who had just seen the warbler so I knew it was still present. Getting over to the east side of the park Dale and I cell phoned back and forth a few times until we located each other and found where we thought the warbler had been seen. The posted directions were a little vague, but we finally found the bird just off the east side of the park drive west of the southwest corner of the museum. The bird was at times reluctant to show itself, but we finally got some nice views.
Orange-crowned Warbler 01/08/2016 Central Park |
Orange-crowned Warbler 01/08/2016 Central Park |
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