Monday, January 13, 2025

January 13, 2025: Taiga Bean Goose - A New York State Bird AND a Life Bird. [EDITED: 1/14/2025]

In a recent post going over some of the highlights of my 2024 New York State birding I mentioned that in recent years I hope to pick up at least one new bird for my New York State bird list each year. Last year I was lucky enough to see two - Lazuli Bunting and American Flamingo. The flamingo was also a life bird which is a very rare occurrence for me in New York. Today I picked up another new bird for my state list that was also a life bird - Taiga Bean Goose.

Taiga Bean Goose - January 13, 2025    ©️ Joseph DiCostanzo

The Taiga Bean Goose is an incredible rarity for New York. Not only is it a first record for the state, it is a first record for the eastern United States. The bird was first reported from Saratoga Lake about ten days ago. It disappeared from there and was then refound in some farm fields near Greenwich, Washington County. Over the last few days it was found in a number of farm fields with flocks of Canada Geese, but it was hard to perceive a set pattern to its wanderings. My friend, Sean Sime, and I discussed trying for it (a 3.5 hour drive from Inwood). Last night we decided it was still a bit too iffy in its appearances and so we decided not to go. I was starting to make breakfast a little before 8:00 this morning when Sean called and said: “Get ready. I am picking you up in an hour. The bird has been found in the same field it was seen in yesterday.” When we arrived around 12:30 pm there were about half a dozen cars on the side of the road by the farm field and birders were watching the bird. It was asleep in a large flock of Canada Geese. We were able to watch it for over an hour during which time it woke up and did some feeding on the corn stubble. We heard it was still in the same field at sunset.

Taiga Bean Goose is a species from Eurasia. If you look it up in many field guides you will not find it. You will find Bean Goose. It was only in recent years that Bean Goose was split into two species - Tundra Bean Goose and Taiga Bean Goose. They are extremely similar with the Taiga having a longer bill, usually with more yellow on it. The Taiga also has a longer neck and a paler head as well as other minor differences. Some authorities think the two species should not have been split and should probably be re-lumped. You can read an article about it here.

The goose was my 446th bird for NYS and my 1459 world life bird. My birding year is off to a great start.

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