Monday, January 20, 2025

January 20, 2025: First day of the freeze.

It is always fun when a prediction comes true! After my post yesterday predicting an influx of waterfowl following last night’s freeze, I awoke this morning to three adult Mute Swans sleeping on the edge of the Muscota Marsh mudflats. The two Mute Swans photographed three days ago on the main inlet were immatures.

Mute Swans - January 20, 2025  ©️ Joseph DiCostanzo

Shortly after sun-up Allen Greene messaged there was a Gadwall about to disappear around the Point at Muscota. It was a nice looking male. Later in the morning another Gadwall dropped into the bay at Muscota. This was clearly a different individual. However, it did look like the Gadwall Danny Karlson photographed yesterday.

Gadwall - January 29, 2025.  ©️ Joseph DiCostanzo

The biggest surprise of the morning was a female Common Merganser swimming by Muscota.
Common Merganser - January 20, 2025  ©️ Joseph DiCostanzo

Adding to the less than regular waterfowl for the morning were the five Buffleheads Allen Greene spotted under the Henry Hudson Bridge. Elizabeth White-Pultz later texted she had a Bufflehead in the main inlet off the Nature Center dock. I have a very obscured view of that area from the apartment, but thanks to Elizabeth’s text I was able to glimpse a Bufflehead by the dock from the living room window.

Rounding out the waterfowl for the morning were the usual Canada Geese, Mallards, and a lone American Black Duck. Not a waterfowl, but an uncommon waterbird here in the winter were two Double-crested Cormorants.

It will be interesting to see if the continuing freeze predicted for the next two days produces any other interesting waterfowl.

My apologies for the quality of the photographs. I am shooting through a window that needs to be washed and given the outside air temperature I wasn’t going to open it. 

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